Monday 7 June 2010

Defining the future.

When i begin to start answering a question for my english literature AS exam it is essential to define the question. I have to write down exactly what I think it is asking me to do and how exactly I intend on answering it. This makes it clear for the examiner to be able to understand what the next 4+ pages of writing is going to be about. So that is what I am going to do right now, define the subject(s).

Firstly, my name is Hannah.
I am Hannah and I turned 17 years of age only a few months ago. Im not particularly special, wouldn't say that anything stood out. Just an average girl living in the beautiful countryside of England (if you havent ever visited the Cotswolds, you should!)

My mum is a blogger. She also bakes. So yes, you guessed it she blogs about baking, and she loves it. She inspired me to give it a try, I just thought it would be kind of cool to have people interested in what you have to say. Or not so interested if that ends up being the case!

So my topic of today is: to define.
Defining exactly what Im going to be writing about.

Once upon a time when the moon was pink
1. A blog about life, clothing, accessories and everything else in between.
2. The main aim: to have a voice. To be able to talk about absolutely anything.

So enjoy.

hcDG X

p.s. I should be revising right now for my exam tomorrow. I will find anything to distract me!


  1. You go girl! Your momma thinks there is a lot about you that is more than special. Don't forget that xx

  2. Welcome to the crazy world of blogging Hannah!! It's all a bit nutso but it is a really good way to sharpen your skills as a writer. I started writing professionally at about the same age as you, and I've had a long career writing about all sorts of stuff, all over the world. I've run my own marcomms/PR consultancy for over 20 yrs (in three different countries) and I've written for magazines, magazine columns, and a novel (agented but not yet sold) but the best thing of all has been blogging! If you want to ask me anything about the professional options available to someone who loves the English lang feel free to drop me a line hun. xx

  3. Thank you very much! Its crazy, I feel that I have so much to learn... but I have a whole summer ahead of me and I just thought if anything this would be a great way of writing down everything that I get up to. You achieved amazing things, i hope to do the same! Thank you for all your support xx

  4. I was going to leave a comment on your mum's blog but then say your comment to her recent post and popped over here instead! Good luck with your uni application. It'll all be worth it in the end.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
