Apart from one.
Our very own, one and only Wayne Rooney hit back and he is now paying for it. He felt that in that moment of so called defeat England needed its support from the fans.
'Nice to see your home fans booing you, That's loyal supporters'
Despite the bad football. Despite the ridiculous amount of money the players get paid they represent England. As do the fans. England drew with Algerians, a whole nil-nil. But don't we have to question, why was no-one from Algeria 'booing' the Algerian team?
I understand that we have to take into consideration the fact that the fans had travelled thousands of miles to get there. Therefore spending thousands of pounds on tickets, travel and accommodation. So I can completely understand that they had a certain expectation of the way in which England should perform. However the fans made the risk, England's track record in the world cup doesn't exactly shout 'PAY LOADS OF MONEY TO SEE US PLAY.'
But even so, the one thing that every single England fan that sits at the South African stadium, has in common is their patriotism towards their country. Each fan believes that England can do it, we can make it, we can win. And maybe the team isn't being managed properly, and maybe the coach isn't pushing the team hard enough or maybe they just had a bad game. Its inevitable that blame will be placed on something. If it be Robert Green, the new type of ball or a dodgy referee, the blame will be found. But surely that doesn't mean we start 'booing' at the end of a game. The England I grew up in is so much more then that. It has dignity, pride and hope.
Now you may be wondering what? how? or why the World Cup is making an appearance? But I think at a time when everyone comes together to support a team, when effort is made and people try hard then some respect and consideration is sought and needed.
So to all the fans that 'booed' and to all the newspapers, media and hype that pushed Wayne Rooney to apologize, just think about patriotism and where we would be with out it.
Love hcDG X